
Grants Process

Connecting the dots and aligning resources to make a



Connecting the dots and aligning resources to make a



The Grants Process

Our competitive grants program is strategic and responsive to the ever-changing needs of the greater Green Bay community.

We fund projects that work to improve the quality of life in Brown, Kewaunee, and Oconto counties and support collaboration among nonprofit organizations.

Here are the steps to our grants


Learn about our Grants Programs

Review our grants programs to determine which grant best aligns with the goals of your project.

Reach Out

Visit with our staff to share your ideas, ask questions, and receive feedback. Contact the Community Impact Team at 920-432-0800 to speak with our team.

Apply for a Grant

The application period for each grant opens online two months prior to its deadline. 

  • New users can click here to register as a Grants Administrator
  • Registered Grants Administrators can log in here

Apply to School Spirit Educational Endowment or Ashwaubenon Education Foundation here.

Await Grants Team Review

A grants team made up of community volunteers and Foundation board and staff reviews the applications and makes funding recommendations to our board of directors.

Receive Confirmation

We share funding decisions within eight to ten weeks of the grant deadline and prior to any public announcement.

Get Feedback

Our team is happy to provide feedback on every grant request.

FAQs for Competitive Grant 


Applicants must meet all three of the following:

  1. Be a non-profit organization, (exempt from federal income taxes under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and not be classified as a 509(a)(3) supporting organization), or a governmental body, such as a school or municipality.
  2. Serve the people of greater Green Bay:  Brown, Kewaunee, and Oconto counties.
  3. Conduct business without discrimination based on race, religion, gender, sexual preference, age, marital status, disability, or national origin.
  • Program or project support
  • Enhancement of organizational efficiencies such as technology and equipment improvements, staff and board training and organizational planning
  • See individual grant program guidelines for more information.

Each grant program is different. See individual grant program webpages for more information. Please contact us at 920-432-0800 if you have further questions.

In general, strong programs will:

  • Address a well-defined need, with a clearly defined action.
  • Improve the quality of life for our community or its residents.
    Use innovative approaches to address community issues.
  • Help the organization become self-sufficient.
  • Use partnerships or collaboration to leverage additional impact.
  • Be feasible and likely to succeed.
  • Demonstrate a reasonable level of risk.
  • Propose appropriate and reasonable budgetary items.
  • Attract additional funding and leverage resources.
  • Create well-defined, meaningful, and measurable project outcomes and methods to report actual outcomes.
  • Have a long-term impact, especially relative to cost.
  • Not have received a grant for a similar purpose from the same granting program in the past 18 months.
  • Have a positive standing with the Greater Green Bay Community Foundation regarding previously received grants, including the complete and timely submission of required final reports (and mid-term reports where applicable).

Grant programs generally do not fund:

  • Annual appeals, capital campaigns or other fundraising activities or events.
  • Religious activities or programs that serve, or appear to serve, specific religious organizations, groups or denominations.
  • Individuals
  • Endowments
  • Sponsorships
  • Debt retirement, deficit financing, reduction of an operating deficit or replenishment of resources used to pay for such purposes.
  • Lobbying or legislative activities
  • Capital improvement requests
  • Programming or expenses occurring before the grant is awarded.
  • Efforts substantially serving people outside of Brown, Kewaunee and Oconto counties.  The Kopseker Trust is an exception.

Partnering to create 


The organizations below also offer grants in the greater Green Bay area. Unless otherwise noted, please review the information on each organization’s website for information about available grants and how to apply.



Have questions about the grants process? Call us at 920-432-0800 or email Amber.

Amber Paluch
Senior Vice President of Community Impact