
Fields of Interest

A place where 


can thrive

We pay attention to the broad and diverse factors that contribute to our collective quality of life. By connecting people to meaningful efforts shaping our community we are making life better. Together.

Field of Interest funds allow you to support specific areas of interest and help sustain work across our community.

Fields of Interest

To promote the care and well-being of animals, both domestic and wild.

To infuse artistic and cultural opportunities throughout our community through creative expression. These may include, but are not limited to, historical, multicultural, visual, literary, theatrical, and musical programs. Priority will be given to programs that provide access for low-income or at-risk populations as well as programs that promote a deeper understanding of diverse cultures.

To address needs found at the root causes of poverty. While typically defined as food, clothing and shelter, these programs and services seek to lift individuals and families up to prevent generational poverty. Programs assist those on fixed and lower incomes, those with chronic illness and the elderly in living without crisis and maintaining a stable living situation.

To improve knowledge, train, instruct and enhance skills to ensure individuals receive educational opportunities that better the course of their lives and careers. Particular focus will be paid to at-risk populations, individuals with special needs and skill-based education programs for youth and adults.

To protect, preserve, manage and provide access to or improve natural resources for the benefit of the natural environment, wildlife and humans.

To benefit the general condition of a person’s mind, body and spirit, usually meaning to help individuals be free from illness, injury or pain. This includes diverse populations served through preventive, mental/behavioral, addiction and dental health programs ranging from early childhood to seniors.

To assist individuals, groups and communities (such as the poor, sick, elderly, children, or youth) to transition to more self-sustainable lifestyles. Focus will be given to parental or guardian skills training, teen pregnancy, independent living, elder care and end-of-life support for individuals and families along with children aging out of foster care.

To provide for the good of our community at large and empower individuals or groups of people with the skills they need to effect change. Focus areas may include diversity and inclusion programs, women and girls, leadership development, public safety, community development, disaster relief or economic and workforce development.

To promote, encourage and provide access to broad-based youth development, especially among underprivileged youth. Programs focus on instructional, recreational, competitive sport and other skill development curricula to promote educational enhancement, social interaction and physical activity.

Donate from your IRA

If you are 70½ or older, you can make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) to a variety of funds at the Community Foundation, including our collective funds, tax-free. QCDs are not taxable income and can satisfy some or all of your annual required minimum distribution (RMD) if you are 73 or older.

Information provided is not intended to be tax advice. Donors should consult their tax advisors for more information. 



Interested in opening a fund? Share your charitable interests with our team at 920-432-0800 or email Annie or Maribeth.

Annie Dart
Vice President of Donor Relations & Communications

Maribeth Franken
Donor Services Manager

More information about opening a fund:

We accept a wide range of assets to fund your charitable giving strategy. To learn more about the types of gifts we can accept and our policies and procedures for each type of gift, click here.